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IEC 62619 -儲(chǔ)能電池的國際安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

2022-06-23 11:17:56 點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):

IEC 62619:2022

Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for secondary lithium cells and batteries, for use in industrial applications

IEC 62619:2022 specifies requirements and tests for the safe operation of secondary lithium cells and batteries used in industrial applications, including stationary applications. When there exists an IEC International Standard specifying test conditions and requirements for cells used in special applications and which is in conflict with this document, the former takes precedence (e.g., IEC 62660 series on road vehicles). The following are some examples of applications that utilize cells and batteries under the scope of this document:

- Stationary applications: telecom, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), electrical energy storage system, utility switching, emergency power, and similar applications.

- Motive applications: forklift truck, golf cart, automated guided vehicle (AGV), railway vehicles, and marine vehicles, with the exception of road vehicles.

IEC 62619:2022

含有堿性或其他非酸性電解質(zhì)的二次電池和電池組 - 二次鋰電池和電池組的安全要求,用于工業(yè)應(yīng)用

IEC 62619:2022規(guī)定了工業(yè)應(yīng)用(包括固定應(yīng)用)中使用的二次鋰電池和電池的安全運(yùn)行要求和測試。當(dāng)存在IEC國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn),規(guī)定特殊應(yīng)用中使用的單元的測試條件和要求,并且與本文檔沖突時(shí),前者優(yōu)先(例如,道路車輛上的IEC 62660系列)。以下是本文檔范圍內(nèi)利用電池和電池組的一些應(yīng)用示例:

固定式應(yīng)用:電信、不間斷電源 (UPS)、電儲(chǔ)能系統(tǒng)、公用事業(yè)開關(guān)、應(yīng)急電源和類似應(yīng)用。


IEC 62619于2017年2月13日發(fā)布,是儲(chǔ)能電池的國際安全標(biāo)準(zhǔn),屬自愿性認(rèn)證。 IEC 62619為工業(yè)用(含固定式)鋰蓄電池和鋰蓄電池組的安全要求和測試方法。